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Carbon credits enable investing into your land

CarbonCrop Team

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Discover the power of transitional forestry with CarbonCrop and Tāmata Hauhā in our CarbonCurious webinar.

We know that to be eligible for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) you don’t have to plant only exotics, as long as they fulfil criteria native forests can earn carbon credits.

If you’re looking at planting this season, there’s a lot to consider but if you’re looking for advice or someone to help you with the costs Tāmata Hauhā might be able to support you. In our CarbonCurious session with Blair Jamieson from Tāmata Hauhā we explore how they work, and the benefits of using transitional forestry in your planting approach.

Who are Tāmata Hauhā?

Tāmata Hauhā provides funding for reforestation and works with predominantly Maori landholders, providing funding and expertise to establish forests that achieve the goals of the landholder and generate long-term revenue.

We are here, and we'll deliver outcomes for everyone. - Blair, Tāmata Hauhā

They understand the barrier that finance plays in carbon forestry and take a similar approach, allowing landholders to remove the initial financial barriers which traditionally may have stopped them.

We consider ourselves connected back to our native forestry, more often than not for a lot of our clients, that's the destination. - Blair, Tāmata Hauhā

Tāmata Hauhā don’t see pines as the only answer. There's many different pathways that can get you to the end point of native, biodiverse forest. It’s their role to support and help you get there, by co-designing those forests to the point where you're happy with the outcome. They acknowledge that it's the destination not the starting point so you’re provided with tools and support to get to there, even if that includes exploring other planting avenues to begin with.

How does it work?

When you work with Tāmata Hauhā there’s a focus on transitional forestry and working to ensure the land is providing the best return, while remaining sustainable and achieving your long term goal. With transitional forestry, more often than not bringing in an exotic species will support the long term vision for the land by unlocking carbon income to be reinvested. Utilising it for a period of time, until it has served its function or purpose is often a really positive and constructive way to do that.

If we are looking to try and find more afforestation and get more natives in the ground, sometimes we use those visiting species for there. As a visitor, they're there for a time, but they are asked to leave or their numbers are significantly reduced until they're no longer prevalent or have served their function. - Blair, Tāmata Hauhā

When talking forestry, more often than not we're actually talking about polyculture or the utilisation of forestry for other other revenue streams for landowners. Tāmata Hauhā work with a number of groups, who help them with funding, and the ultimate goal for is more indigenous forestry in New Zealand.

We provide the full package of support - Blair, Tāmata Hauhā

They work with landowners to design the forestry, so you get what you want.As a landholder you're involved in every discussion around species selection and use and function. Once an agreement is made they'll pay for the planting, the pest control, the establishment, the whole lot to make sure, and we guarantee those trees as an outcome. They also manage the whole process including carbon trading.

I'm not gonna plant and walk away - Blair Tāmata Hauhā

They approach partnership seriously, and act as a true partner doing everything. They are integrated right across the supply chain, throughout the process so you deal with one person or group.

How CarbonCrop and Tāmata Hauhā align?

Both companies understand the barrier that finance plays in carbon forestry and both take a similar approach, allowing landholders to remove the initial financial barriers which traditionally may have stopped them.

We're philosophically aligned with this approach to carbon forestry. - Jo, CarbonCrop

Tāmata Hauhā are closing the funding and expertise gap that makes it possible for more people to plant native and biodiverse forests and earn an income. CarbonCrop is particularly effective when it comes to assessing native and biodiverse carbon forestry. We can help with remote areas which can be difficult when it comes to access and health and safety considerations. By combining AI with satellite imagery, we can accurately and speedily measure and monitor forests without needing to visit as often.

Tamta Hauha partner with you to take care of the planting and forest management side of things and CarbonCrop takes care of the ETS registration and ongoing compliance admin.

Can I use both CarbonCrop and Tāmata Hauhā?

When you sign up to partner with Tāmata Hauhā, CarbonCrop will be the ones assessing your planting for carbon earning potential, helping with the ETS registration process, and ensuring ongoing ETS admin obligations are fulfilled.

You can still register areas of existing forest, or new plantings through CarbonCrop. If you’re keen to find out what you’ve got, and what it’s worth, get a free land assessment today.


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