Managing a portfolio of sites? You can now see total land area, filter by planned planting, and assign site owners.

New Features
Want to know more about your sites?

You can now see, and organise by, the total land area (not just forest area!).
Planning your planting?

The planting status is something you can filter on across your entire site portfolio.
Who’s responsible for a site?

Sites can now be assigned to anyone in your company. So you can stay on top of who's looking after what, and what you're responsible for.
What’s an NZU worth next year?

We have our forecast, but you might have your own assumptions. You can now upload your own price forecast in the company settings page. We even provide a handy csv file for you to enter your forecasts into for easy uploading.
Company setup is even easier

We had some user experience feedback on the company settings, so we’ve improved it for you! Page now organised into tabs.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an overzealous "No CAA number" warning, which showed often even when not required.
Export CSV button now works correctly for sites containing a comma in their name.
Stay tuned for more updates next month!