Seeing the long-term value in his block, this mixed 'natural forest' block in Tasman is supporting biodiversity while helping to remove carbon.
This is James' story.

Setting the scene
In 2000 James took on ownership of the 38ha hill block with the intention of growing a natural forest block of mixed trees.

Planting the property out over the last 20 years with a variety of native and exotic trees, the focus has been on conservation and regeneration of forest. Using trees that complement and support each other to minimise loss when planting and allow the forest to grow. Heavily invested in the trees over the past 20 years, with a variety of natives and exotics (but no Radiata pines).
“One of the main reasons to go into carbon credits was for a permanent carbon sink, to protect the property long term”
Journey to CarbonCrop
Having attended events and reading a lot on the topic, James was aware of schemes available for his forest. It was important to him that the forest remained protected from being cut down, so he began investigating the carbon credit route. After meeting with our account manager Clare, he was keen to go ahead.
“It’s important to know what you’re getting into, read the materials. It’s a commitment, you need to have a long term plan for your property.”
Why carbon credits?
The main aim behind entering the forest for carbon credits was long term protection, ensuring that it would be protected from being cut down but also that the maintenance costs were covered. It was important that the forest was growing as a natural forest, to help support biodiversity with multiple layers and species, and encourage bird life to thrive.
“It was important for me that the property could be self sustaining to whoever came along afterwards”
Looking forward
There’s still room for more trees on the property, to allow for further expansion in the future with a continued focus on regeneration long term and natural forests.
“There’s some uncertainty in the future but I’ve tried to account for this”
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