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What's New December 2024: All sites map, tidier AI mapping, better registered areas upload

CarbonCrop Team

This month, we’re putting all your sites on the map (literally!), letting our AI and your mapping work in harmony, and keeping everything neat with organised layers. Plus, we’ve made it easier to upload registered areas and spot erosion-prone land.

CarbonCrop Co-founder Nick Butcher, and Account Manager, Charlie Cottrell Jury, sitting at a computer looking at mapped forest areas in the CarbonCrop platform

New Features

Company wide maps

CarbonCrop platform company sites map page with filtering

Lists are kinda lame, maps are better! See all of your sites in one place from a map, filter them, and search for them. Want to go to a specific site? Zoom in and click on the site to open it.

Additive AI Polygons

CarbonCrop platform attributes or polygon details panel update

Work harmoniously with our AI tech! You can now run the AI forest detection even after mapping areas yourself. User mapped areas are preserved and the AI works around you.

Organised layers

CarbonCrop platform planting details for number of trees and cost

Lots of layers is great, but can get confusing if they're not organised. Layers are now sectioned by “Site layers”, which is everything relevant to your site, and “Global Layers”, which can be used to help you make informed decisions.

2024 start year

CarbonCrop platform forecast Start Year 2024

We’ve switched our reporting graphs to start from 2024 across the board. Don’t worry, we haven’t lost your 2023 numbers! Contact us if you need them.

In place site details

CarbonCrop  site details on mapping page

The site overview page has moved! You can now see site details without losing where you are on the map in the ‘details’ tab. No need to switch between pages to check information while you're working.

Better view of erodible land

CarbonCrop HEL Layer

Based on user feedback, we’ve improved the display of the “Highly Erodible Land” (HEL) layer. The background and waterways are no longer shown, so that the erosion prone areas are more visible.

Key to the world

CarbonCrop platform Multipolygon lock

You can now select multiple polygons and lock or unlock them together in bulk. Locking polygons prevent accidental edits

Better uploading registered areas

CarbonCrop Platform Post ETS registration shapefile upload

Got an ETS registered area shapefile to upload, and existing mapping on your site? Uploading it will now push away existing mapped polygons to avoid duplication.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a user with view only access could make changes, but these changes all got lost. Sorry! We now communicate this state clearly so that more access can be granted before mapping commences

  • MPI evidence report now supports custom species

  • Tighter area calculation - only native forest with either sequestration or stock are now included under the native forest area calculation



CarbonCrop has started including LiDAR in our supporting evidence for some ETS registrations. This helps prove the potential for trees to reach "forest" status on a particular site.

CarbonCrop Platform - Lidar Example - Tree Height Exploration

Stay tuned for more updates next month!


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